Open Secrets is launching in April 2023
Visit us for memorable, revealing, and original personal essays
Hello and welcome to Open Secrets! This Substack is in its bare-bones form right now. I’m Rachel Kramer Bussel (and here’s my Substack). I’m an essayist, journalist, erotica author and editor, and I teach classes on erotica writing and essay writing.
I was inspired to start Open Secrets because, in three words, I love essays. Always have and always will. I want to read more of them. I want to start powerful discussions on the most important parts of life so many of us grapple with but too few of us (in my opinion) talk about. Stay tuned for a new essay every Monday starting April 3, 2023 through at least Septemer 2023, and hopefully longer.
Open Secrets is self-funded, and there will be a paid subscriber option for those who want to support the publication and get access to exclusive content, such as bonus video interviews with our essayists and more. Right now, I’m still working on getting ready to launch.
Essayists will be paid $100/essay and after a few months I will launch selected limited open reading perios where anyone can submit a personal essay for free. Subscribe to be the first to be notified about those!
If there are topics you’d like to see Open Secrets cover, comment and let me know!